2018 Most Outstanding Professionals of the Year Awardees

For his distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of accountancy, as Chairman and CEO, KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co., Member, Global Council of KPMG, Member, ASPAC Board of KPMG International, Chairman, Auditing & Assurance Standards Council, President, Association of CPAs in Public Practice, President, Institute of Internal Auditors, National Secretary and Director, Philippines Institute of CPAs.
His competence, excellence and commendable track record in the profession have earned him various awards and recognition such as Outstanding CPA in Public Service given by PICPA, Outstanding Alumnus Award given by the University of the East, Presidential Awards given by Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice and Institute of Internal Auditors, Fastest Growing Member Firm Award given by KPMG International, Board of Accountancy Award for steering the Auditing & Assurance Standards Council for three (3) years.
As a Trustee of the Institute of Corporate Directors and as a Fellow, he has advocated for the practice of good corporate governance in listed and public interest entities.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Customs Broker profession, in establishing excellent working partnership with the Bureau of Customs in crafting regulations and processes pertaining to import and export which eventually would affect the practice of the profession. Her commitment and professionalism, competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the Leadership Award given by the 1st Professional Summit held in 2012. The award was in recognition of her inspirational leadership in heading the biggest delegation in the said Summit. This is in spite of the fact that at the time there were only about 7000 PRC Registered Customs Broker as contrasted to some professions with hundreds of thousands PRC Registered members.
As President of the Chamber of Customs Brokers, Inc. she ably continued the giving of orientation to new entrants to the customs broker profession with minimal fee of only P100.00 a fee which includes snacks and certificate of attendance. She institutionalized regular forums which were conducted in the premises of the Bureau of Customs where participants are the officers of the association, customs broker and customs officials. Problems encountered by customs brokers are sometimes solved right at the forum hence her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Guidance and Counseling, in organizing activities through the years in her capacity as Chapter President, her strict adherence to counselling ethics and standards of good practice, her dedication to the advancement of the counselling profession in the Philippinesin her field. Certificate for Outstanding Chapter to Marawi Chapter Raga Bacarat as President, a consistent Academic Scholar, an Intuitive Guidance Counselor and dedicated Administrator. An Outstanding Research Adviser to graduate students, her total commitment and advocacy to uphold ethical standards in her various roles in administration. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track records have earned her various awards and recognition such as Counsellor Educator Leadership Awardee 2014, University of the Philippines Achievement Awardee 2015, Outstanding Chapter awarded during her Presidency 2011, International Maranaonal Paper Presenter in Thailand 2013, First Maranao Woman who earned Doctorate in Guidance 1988 and member of Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA), IOTA PHI Foundation Inc., State Universities and Colleges Teacher Education Association, Philippine Guidance and Counselling Association Lanao del Sur and Marawi Chapter, and Society of Educators for Educational Development. Her relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Library and Information Science, in unselfishly sharing her knowledge and expertise on Educational Media Centers and centers, school librarianship and Library as Resource person/Lecturer in the country and in Asia, leading PLAI as its President and forging relationships with other local and international associations; for seeking better active involvement of PLAI members as presentors in the PLAI Congress, her active role in the formulation of standards for school librarians and media centers; and the implementing rules and regulations for R.A. 9246, developing the Ateneo de Manila Educational Media Center into a world-class information center, and untiring participation in evaluating higher education programs as Chair of the CHEd Technical Committee for Library and Information Science shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the Eugologio B. Rodriguez Professional Award and the Gabriel A. Bernardo Leadership Award from PLAI; the Gawad Pilar Perez from PASL; the UPLSAA Distinguished Alumni Award and various service awards from PLAI, PAASCU, Ateneo de Manila University, and New Hope SpEd Center.
Her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplary services in the field of professional teacher, Dr. Evelina Maclang-Vicencio services as Dean of the College of Education of the University of the East Full Professor of Curriculum Studies at the University of the Philippines.
A researcher and extension education consultant in Palau in 1991 and Asian Development Bank (ADB) curriculum consultant in Indonesia in 1995-1996 and in Vietnam in 2003; DepEd consultant of the K-12 Health Education curriculum and CHED as Task Force member on Outcomes-Based Education (OBE); Board of Trustees member of the Foundation for Upgrading the Standard of Education (FUSE) that trains Science. Math and English teachers as 1st Chair of its Training Committee; National Training Commissioner of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, won for her the Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) Outstanding Teacher in 1988 (ACES) in 2009; the UP Education Alumni Association Professional Excellence Award and the UP 2001 Gawad Chanselor Pinakamahusay na Guro award. DOST National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) National Achievement Award in Research in 2013 for published books and researches presented nationally and internationally as Professional Chair Holder, as Director of the UP-CHED Zonal Research Center, and as Team Leader of UNESCO-funded researches.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Psychology such as being a former President of the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Certified Addiction Professional Level 2 which facilitated the Katatagan Kontra sa Droga sa Komunidad Program, Disaster and Mental Health and Psychological Interventions in various community. She is also a licensed Psychologist who is active in local and private company as consultant for Human Resources and Organization Development. She had a track record of exemplar engagements in research and academe in Ateneo de Manila. She is also a member of the CHED technical panel for Psychology which shows her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as Outstanding Faculty of University of the Philippines-Diliman, awardee of Bellagio Residency Fellow by the Rockefeller Foundation, Outstanding Women in Nation’s Service (TOWNS), Cardinal Sin Book Awards, Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship by the Nippon Foundation Inc., and Outstanding Young Scientist by the National Academy of Science and Technology.
As a member of Psychological Association of the Philippines, her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Real Estate Service Practice by sharing his time, knowledge and expertise to his fellow real estate service practitioners by conducting Real Estate Education Seminars, Symposia, Fora and Continuing Professional Development Programs.
His exemplar service in his profession such as being an Accredited PRC Lecturer and CPD Service Provider shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Leadership and Service Awards.
As a member of National Real Estate Association, Inc., inter alia (among others) his relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and her exemplar services in the field of Social Work, such as producing board placers and topnotchers in the SW Board Examination, for being a top performing school for Social Work for four consecutive years in 2012 to 2015; for producing instructional materials, for acting as resource speaker to conferences and seminars; for imparting her researches abroad, for engaging in outreach services in communities, for her community and professional participation so that social work profession may be recognized and appreciated, shoes her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as PASWI Most Outstanding Social Worker in the Academe in 2002, for various awards given by the Bicol University and PASWI local chapter and PRC Region 5 for outstanding performance in the SW Board Examination.
As a member of the Technical Working Group of the PLSD Legaspi City, SWDL-Net Region 5, Regional Quality Assessment Team of the CHED Region 5 for Social Work, Association of Albay Provincial Social Workers Inc. (APASWI), Pastoral Council, her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, in her 38 years in government service are manifestations of her dedication to serve and impart her knowledge. She is instrumental in consistenly promoting the agricultural bio systems engineering and producing topnotchers in licensure examinations, Technical Consultant, Member of the Technical Evaluation Team, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Assessor of DOST-SETUP in Bicol Region which provided to impart her technical expertise/knowledge to the small and medium industries which provided significant impact by increasing productivity of the SMEs in Bicol region and enhancing socio-economic status of the community as well.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him/her various awards and recognition such as: “Bicol’s Eureka in Science in Technology”, “Gurong Patnubay”, “Dalubguro Award”, “Outstanding Agricultural Engineer”, “Outstanding Alumni”, : Achievement Award”, “Inventors Award” as ASEAN Engineer in the Asian Society of Engineering Organizations in 2007 and more awards.
Her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and her exemplar services in the field of Chemical Engineering having rendered forty-two (42) meaningful years of service and dedication in the government at the Department of Science and Technology as Science Aide up to Director. In her 10 years serving as the Director of the Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI)- DOST’s premiere and multidisciplinary R&D Institute, among her exemplary work and contributions where she practiced her profession as a Chemical Engineer and Manager.
As a member of: PIChE College of Fellows- acted as resource person in the finalization of Code of Ethics for the Chemical Profession, National President of PIChE in 2006-2007; initiated the holding of Chemical Engineering Week with P.D. #130 signed by President GMA in 2007, Philippine Technological Council, Inc. 2006 to Present, PIChE DOST Chapter Founding President, 1998, Philippine Metrology Society-Founding Member, National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), and Past Director of Philippine Association of Advancement of Science (PhilAAS)
Her relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his contributions and exemplary services in the field of Civil Engineering as Board, Officer and National President. He developed innovative technologies, resulting to a well-executed, project Green Engineering Philippines that was recognized as one of the outstanding civil engineering project in Asia and a collection of technically-inspired projects such the RFID and the Online Event, attendance and certificate management for the organization.
In his 30 years of extensive experience and involvement in structural design, construction, finance and development, he had selflessly contributed his knowledge from proposing engaging topics to facilitator and as a speaker. His dedication and support as an officer and member of various business chamber of commerce, Rural bankers association of the Philippines, Road engineering association of the Philippines, American society of civil engineers, SLU alumni association is a testament of his enthusiastic determination in making a difference.

For is distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the filed of Electrical Engineering as an Electrical Engineering professor of the University of San Carlos for 15 years, founded his own company, the N.A. Systems Inc., that gained the trust of big industry developers like Ayala Land, Aboitiz Land, MDC, etc. and authored 18 city environmental ordinances.
His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the Excellence in Ecology and Economy 2008 given by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce on “Environmentally Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year 2008”, sponsored scholars to indigent young pupils and students locally known as N.A. Scholars who are trained in music lessons to enhance their teamwork capability which encourage them to take the course of Electrical Engineering or Electrician. This was recognized by Yahoo Philippines, which made Nestor Archival as one of “Pitong Pinoy Heroes 2012.”
As an active member of IIEE, he was recognized by the National Executive Board as the Most Outstanding Practitioner for Construction in 2003. Now, he is serving as resource speaker in IIEE Cebu chapter activities like oath taking of PRC BEE new board passer.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Electronics Engineering, his exemplary services in his profession such as Chartering of IECEP-UAE which garnered Best Chapter Award during its commencement year and Best Foreign Chapter in succeeding years (IECEP National); Initiated and sponsored the establishment of IECEP Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait; Pioneered IECEP Convention in Middle East which resulted in strong ties among ECEs across Middle East and inspire members application to ASEAN, ACPE and APEC Registry. One of Founders, Chairman and now Adviser of PPO-UAE (FPG-UAE) that has produced 2000+SPLE passers till date; Pro-bono services in professional development as technical, leadership and motivational speaker to different APO in UAE and Middle East, and; more than 20 years of extensive professional practice in Telecommunications, show his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as 2016 OFW Dakilang Bayani Award; 2014 Kabayan Award; 2012 Most Outstanding Electronics Engineer (IECEP National); and numerous citations and recognition from different APOs and prominent organizations in Middle East.
As a member of Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of geodetic engineering, in rendering services such as land surveys, geodetic, hydrographic and engineering, infrastructure surveys and photogrammetry ground control, employing geodetic engineers, and as the Proprietor and General Manager of G.P. Artieda Surveying Office; his competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Excellent Leadership, Outstanding Leadership, and Performance Awards, the Most Outstanding Professional Organization in Category “C” after forty one years of existence; Most Outstanding Area Chairman for his exemplary leadership as the Vice President of the GEP-South Luzon Area; Most Outstanding Regional President by the GEP-NCR; Presidential Awards as officer of the GEP in various capacities; Professional Award and Most Outstanding Alumnus in the field of geodetic engineering by FEATI University Alumni Association Global, Inc., awarded a status as an ASEAN Engineer by the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO) and named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation International; and for organizing an International event, in collaboration with the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (AFLAG);
His relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Mechanical Engineering, his exemplary service in his profession such as: Distinguished Full Professor, Former Chair, Graduate Program and Community Engagement Project Coordinator, ME Department, De La Salle University, International Technical Consultant and Visiting Professor of Institute of Technology of Cambodia: An Educational Capacity Development Project of Japan International Cooperation Agency Project, Consultant for ME Laboratory at Northwestern Samar State University, Pangasinan State University and Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Consultant for Upgrading of Salvani Muscovado Sugar Mill Plant: An Antique Livelihood and Development Project, Co-Chairman for Product Development, Metropolitan Manila Industry and Energy Research and Development Consortium, DOST. It is in these areas where he manifests his commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as: 2015 PSME Fellow Award, 2012 PSME Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the Year in the field of Research, Innovation and Invention, 2012 FEATI University Outstanding Alumnus in the Field of Mechanical Engineering – Academe, 2011 PSME Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the Year in the field of Education, 1997 and 1998 De La Salle University Most Outstanding Engineering Faculty, 1995 Philippine Exchange Scientist and Research Fellow of DOST- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Exchange Scientist Program at Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1995 Outstanding Teacher Award by the De La Salle University and Procter and Gamble Philippines, Inc., 1987 Young Achiever’s Award by the National Youth and Young Professionals Council and Japan Philippines Inter-Cultural Youth Foundation.
He is a member of Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Research Council of the Philippines, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, USA, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA, and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers USA. His relentless dedication to the organizations is a proof of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contributions in the field of Metallurgical Engineering, his exemplar service in his profession heading the construction , operations, leading the metallurgical testing and flow sheet development, process design, coordinating the development of various projects, and overseeing metallurgical business plans, shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence,, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as presenting several technical papers during the conventions of the Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association (PMSEA) and the Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines (SMEP).
As a member of the Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines (SMEP), he has participated in various civic organization projects, particularly on health and environment such as the Red Cross and National Geographic. His relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contribution in the field of Sanitary Engineering and exemplar service in his profession is manifested in different capacities such as: manager, technical officer, consultant, adviser, trainer, and researcher of programs and projects of various agencies pertaining to water, sanitation, food and chemical safety; drinking-water quality; air quality; health care waste management and climate change. He also worked in the academe as a lecturer on sanitary engineering subjects and has written and published articles and books related to his specialized field. As a United Nations staff, he was instrumental in the management and conduct of international and national conferences relevant to environmental health, including the drafting of the 2017 UN Environment Assembly Resolution on the linkages of environment and health and the Philippine celebration of World Environmental Health Day in 2017.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as: PSSE Leadership and Presidential Awards; ASEAN Engineer; Unsung Heroes of Typhoon Yolanda Responders; Best Alumni for Environment; PSSE Fellow; Fellowship in International Sanitary Engineering Course; and Most Dependable Employee of the Department of Health.
As a member and past president (2014-2015) of the Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers (PSSE), his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career since 1990. He played significant role in PSSE by-laws amendment, bills amending RA 1364, publication of Uniform Plumbing Code of the Philippines, participation of PSSE partners, drafting of the SE Professional Practice Manual on Public Health Engineering, and conduct of Quiz Bee during PSSE conventions.

For his distinguished contributions in the field of Dentistry and exemplar services in his profession such as promoting free cleft surgery to indigent patients, advancing the interest of dental practice thru active participation in the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) thru Philhealth, and advocating the science of research in the field of health care, his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence and commendable track records have earned him various awards and recognition such as Outstanding Club President Rotary Club of Tanauan, District 3820 and conferred as a Fellow, International College of Dentist, Philippine Section.
As an active member of Philippine Dental Association, Batangas Province Dental Chapter, Rotary Club of Tanauan and the Tanauan City Health Board, his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament to his outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of midwifery such as public health service provider for almost 24 years, she extended immediate and necessary health care to every one even outside of her catchment area. She even acts as mentor to other midwives as well as future midwives by providing technical advancements and readiness if complications arises in the care of pregnant woman.
Ms. Manaloto’s commitment, professionalism, competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as most Outstanding (midwife) Employee in 2011 by the City of San Fernando Pampanga. She was also a member of Department of Health Region III Nutrition Council as the Most Outstanding Barangay for the year 2015 to 2017. Her invaluable support and exemplary performance have greatly contributed in bagging the award of her barangay.
As a member and at the same time leader of IMAP Local Chapter, she iniated different activities and trainings that benefited the member of the association in their continuing professional development. She is one of the highly acclaimed speaker/lecturer on maternal and neonatal child health and nutrition as well as Family Planning and mothers classes. Her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Medicine and Pediatric Research, her exemplar service in her profession and being a true advocate in the field of immunization that resulted in important measures such as the birth dose for Hepatitis B and the inclusion of newer vaccines in the National Immunization Program being adopted in the country.
For her competence, excellence, and commendable track record that have earned her various awards and recognition such as Community-Oriented Medical Education in 2003 sponsored by Senator Juan Flavier, Outstanding Research Publication from the University of the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Awardee for Academe in 2011 from PMA, Most Outstanding Asian Pediatrician Award given by the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association in 2012 and Professor Emeritus University of the Philippines Manila in 2016.
For being a former president of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines (PIDSP) and Philippine Foundation for Vaccination (PFV) and also serving as a leader in international pediatric organizations such as ISTP, ASPID, IPAP and ASAP where she continues to contribute to the improvement of child health nationally, regionally and globally.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Medical Technology, such as Full Professor 10 and University Fellow of De La Salle University, show her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track records have earned her various awards and recognition such as Metrobank Outstanding Filipino in 2017, PAMET’s Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda Excellence (Lifetime Achievement) Award in 2017, St. Benilde Romancon Pillar Award for Excellence in Teaching from DLSU in 2015, Best Research Paper and Best Oral Presentation in 2016 from Sapporo Japan, Outstanding Microbiologist Award in 2011 by Philippine Society for Microbiology, Crisanto G. Almario Memorial Award for Research in 2011 from PAMET, among others.
As a member of Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. and Philippine Society of Microbiology, her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Optometry, such as being the Chairman of Board of Optometry in 2014, National President of IPAO (Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists, Inc.) in 2009-2011, Chairman of CPD Council in 2014 and Member of CHED Technical Committee on Optometry Education in 2009-2011. Her commitment, professionalism, competence, excellence and commendable track records have earned her various awards and recognition such as IPAO Excellence Award in 2016, CEU Exemplar Award in 2014, ZONTA International Award in 2017 and IPAO Recognition Award in 2008 and 2009.
As the former Chairman of the PRC Board of Optometry, she initiated the creation of the Board Resolution reinforcing CPD programs to all Optometrists.
As the National President of IPAO, she gave emphasis on the Four Pillars of the Association: (1) Membership by revitalization of IPAO local and international chapter; (2) Continuing Professional Development (3) active networking with all related government agencies. Her flagship projects as IPAO National President are IPAO Kapuso GMA Foundation 20/20 Eye Project and IPAO ABS-CBN Salamat Dok Outreach Project; and (4) supporting optometry schools in its career orientation program and other missions to increase enrolment and produce quality graduates. Her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

For her exceptional and exemplary leadership, unwavering commitment, and genuine passion to further raise the standard of Pharmacy education and practice. For her active stance in the promotion of professional excellence, globally-accepted trends, and innovative technological breakthroughs which have inspired cutting-edge and trailblazing professional developments. For her enthusiasm, dynamism, and commitment to extensive community service and development which encouraged students, faculty, and other universities to take part in meaningful engagements and advocacies. For her staunch commitment as academic, leader, researcher, and scholar, contributing immensely for Pharmacy education and profession to reach even greater heights.

For her distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Nursing. Dr. Lorenzo has focused her career on public health particularly on health policies and spent most of her professional life in advancing knowledge in the nursing profession and health related fields through research. She is a principal investigator of at least thirty (30) scientific papers focusing on primary health care (PHC), health, human resource development, migration, supply and demand of nurses and legislative agenda. These have paved the way for the scaling up health workers for evidence-based implementation of PHC, capacity building and health policy development networks. She published and presented twenty one (21) scientific papers mostly on refereed journals, both local and international. She was the most sought after speaker, resource person, mobilizer, thought leader, an expert in the areas of community health, migration, health policies and research. She also played an important role in the advocacy for the nursing profession especially in restoring quality-nursing education in the country. The National Nursing Core Competency Standards Training Modules were also published through her effort as a project manager.
Cognizant of her commitment and professionalism and commendable track record, she has received at least fifteen (15) awards and distinctions: Centennial Professional Chair awardee, JV Sotejo Medallion of Honor, UP Nursing Alumni Association, Outstanding Book awardee, UP Alumni Association and Berkeley School of Public Health Alumni scholarship.
Dr. Lorenzo is also an active member of Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), the Vice-President of the Philippine Nursing Roadmap Coalition (PPNRC) and is dedicated to good governance as promulgated by the PR-BoN. Her relentless dedication to the organizations’ mission-vision is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Radiologic Technology as Government Radiologic Technologist and member of Radio Isotope Committee of the Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Centre, Lifetime Member of the Philippine Association of Board of Examiners, Member of the Technical Working Group (TWG) in the Department of Health and JRRMMC, Member of Philippine Association of Deans and Faculty of Radiologic Technology, Alliance of Health Workers, Member Research for Radiologic Technology – University of Perpetual System in Binan Laguna, Faculty Member of School of Radiologic Technology- University of Perpetual Help Manila, St. Jude College Manila, Adventist Medical Centre shows his exemplify commitment and professionalism in his field.
His competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as being the first appointed member of Board of Radiologic Technology, full scholarship grant from Japan International Medical Technology Foundation Medical Imaging and Technology, Kitakyushu City Yahata Hospital, participated in the scientific congress to commemorate centennial of discovery of x-rays and International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA)/ RCA Regional Training in Mumbai.

For his distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Respiratory Therapy such as uplifting the standard of respiratory therapy education, he continuously hones the competency of the respiratory therapist towards global competency, and provides leadership in making respiratory therapist as leader in health care profession. His commitment, professionalism, competence, excellence and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as being the recipient of University of Perpetual Help System Laguna Loyalty award for 25 years in service and Dr. Jose Tamayo Clinical Excellence Award in 1992.
As a member of the Association of Respiratory Care Practitioners, Phils, CHED – Technical Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education and CHED – Regional Quality Assessment Team, his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.

For his distinguished contributions and exemplar services in the field of Veterinary Medicine, he was awarded as one of the 2017’s Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines. For his personal excellence, professional competence and integrity and for his strong industry leadership and dedication; for an inspiring and aspirational career starting as a through-and-through government scholar with honours (Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines, he was awarded Fulbright Scholarship and a graduate degree from the University of Minnesota, USA). He was recognized US Practitioner and Scientist with a US-patent royalty docket for developing a vaccine and diagnostic technology against pigs’ most economically-damaging disease; for being the youngest PVMA and PVDA President leading Veterinary Medicine’s accredited professional association to a three-consecutive PRC Outstanding Association awards; for being a multi-awarded veterinarian (youngest PVMA Outstanding Veterinarian and Distinguished Professional and UPVCM Outstanding Alumnus) for his national livelihood development programs on countryside poultry and livestock development; for developing strategic business programs that benefit marginalized backyard sector and for supporting government initiatives in ensuring national food security and safety through national livelihood training programs and personal leadership campaign on the prudent use of antibiotics in food animals.

For his distinguished contributions in the field of Architecture, his exemplar service in his profession such as showing exemplary leadership in the Middle East and North African nations, aiding in the unity of each chapter which allowed countless Filipino architects in becoming full-pledged architects; and playing a vital role in the petition for the annual architecture licensure exams abroad which was granted and approved by the Philippine President resulting to EO835, benefiting many OFWs who aspire to become registered and licensed professionals through SPLBE back in 2009, show his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track records have earned him various awards and recognition such as Special Citation Award as Outstanding Professional in the Field of Architecture 2015 by the PRC, No.1 2015 Most Outstanding Migrant Worker Award by the Philippine Embassy, POLO-ERO and All Filipino Community Committee Organizations in KSA Eastern Province, and 1st Filipino ASEAN Architect in Middle East and North African nations. As a member of the UAP-MENA Chapter, ASEAN Architects, and Eastern Regional Organization for Planning and Human Settlements (EAROPH), his relentless dedication to the organization/s is a testament of his outstanding career.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Environmental Planning, her exemplary service in her profession such as the following: Supervision and coordination of the crafting of the Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) for the seventeen (17) political units in Metro Manila, Formulation of the development guidelines/supervised the preparation of the Regional Development Plan for Metro Manila, Preparation of Executive Order (EO) institutionalizing the Regional Development Council for the National Capital Region (RDC-NCR), Participation in various development studies for the region such as the Metro Manila Urban Transportation (MMUTIS) as assistant project manager, Metro Manila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study as project director, Supervision of the implementation of various infrastructure projects in Metro Manila such as the Kalayaan elevated Uturn, widening of Commonwealth Avenue, installation of major footbridges in EDSA, Commonwealth, Marcos Highway, Bicutan, as project director. Along these lines she shows her commitment and professionalism in her field.
Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognitions such as: Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award, SemiFinalist, Civil Service Commission (2010), Bayani ng Ondoy, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (2009), Outstanding Alumni Award for Government Service, U.P. College of Public Administration (2007), Award for Academic Excellence, U.P. College of Public Administration (2007).
She is a member of the following: Past Chancellor, Jury: Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP), College of Fellows, Director, Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP), Director, UP-NCPAG Alumni Association, Member, East-West Center Alumni Association, University of Hawaii, U.S.A., Member, Real Life Foundation, Victory Christian Fellowship, Bonifacio, Global City.

For his distinguished contributions in the field of Chemistry, his exemplar services in his profession as Chief Scientist at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Dr. Coloso used his knowledge of chemistry to achieve outstanding research in fish nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, amino acid and phosphorus metabolism, and marine environmental protection for which he has gained international recognition. He improved the productivity of important sea foods, such as milkfish, tiger shrimp, Asian sea bass, grouper, and mud crabs, and conducted environmental studies on contamination, molluscicides, and toxicology. Through his more than 35 research papers, he has contributed to food security, consumer health, and improved the livelihood of fisher folk. Having reached mandatory retirement from SEAFDEC, Dr. Coloso has continued his 18 years of service as Associate Professor at University of San Agustin, Iloilo City. As an officer of the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, Panay chapter, he has contributed to the strengthening of the organization through his relentless dedication to the organization.

For her distinguished contribution in the field of Landscape Architecture, her exemplary service in her profession and incomparable involvement in the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) – from becoming a member in 1985 to becoming the Treasurer and Board Member in the early 2000’s to successfully being elected president of the organization in the year 2013. She has also dedicated most her career in government service, having been employed in Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), her permanent representation in the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, and her former post as the Executive Director of the National Parks Development Committee – marking her as the first Landscape Architect to be appointed in the position. As a member of the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects, her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

For his distinguished contributions in the field of Forestry in his outstanding and valuable contributions to the profession and his exemplary services in serving the public through his shared research outputs and promoting the ecological importance of a clean and healthy environment through his continuous promotion of conservation and protection of nature with the best of his ability and his sense of commitment.
For his shared knowledge to the advancement of the Forestry Profession through his expertise in research and technology especially to the province of Zamboanga Sibugay through his introduction of many useful ideas and innovations which earned him commendations from the leaders of the province.
His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as the 2010 Distinguished Alumnus Award for outstanding community service award of UPLB, Oblation Statuette for Outstanding Public Service Award of UPLB, a recognition and gold medallion for Distinctive Career Achievement and Significant Contribution to Forest Governances as RTD for ERDS Region 9, and Most Outstanding Alumnus Award 2015 of Western Mindanao State University.
His relentless dedication as member of Society of Filipino Foresters, Inc.; UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources Alumni Association; and Western Mindanao State University Alumni Association is a testament of his outstanding career.